Here, I have begun Coloring the sketch of finn. Look at the bottom. I fixed the nose to make it more realisticish

This is going to be a humanized version of Finn the Human, from the cartoon network show, Adventure time. 
This is the sketch :)

Ok, this is a WIP of one of many sets of RPG styled OC characters. So like, those gaming kind of art work with the different classes, e.g Warriors, Hunters, Archer, Bandit, Mage,  etc. 
This one is an added one of mine, an OC angelic gunner

The wings are not added yet btw :P

Second pencil outline for the figure pieces. 

Work In Progress piece. One of the figure pieces I have. 

This is one of the 6 portraits I plan on making, all in Oil. This is just the base pencil drawing of my friend. I plan on applying fixatives on the pencil pieces, then applying the paint on top of it. 

Hmm, well, summer just started  a few days ago, at the 11th to be precise and now I start on making my summer projects for my AP art studio class.